picture gallery

Also have a look at the the integration picture gallery for more integration photos.

2003/10/03 start of electrical tests on endcap cryostat A feedthroughs
2003/09/26 all endcap cryostat A feedthroughs welded
2003/09/19 all endcap cryostat A feedthroughs installed
2003/08/20 half of endcap cryostat A feedthroughs installed
2003/08/11 endcap cryostat C integration
2003/06/25 endcap cryostat A
2003/04/15 electric tests on endcap cryostat C
2003/03/11 endcap cryostat C rotation with feedthroughs installed
2003/01/25 feedthroughs on endcap cryostat C installed
2003/01/13 second quadrant installation
2002/12/19 first quadrant installed
2002/12/05 first feedthrough installed
2002/12/04 first feedthrough installation
2002/10/25 last produced feedthrough
2002/10/11 endcap cryostat C opening for repairs
2002/09/17 feedthrough group photo at UVic
2002/07/19 first feedthrough funnel cut in building 180
2002/06/14 heater tests in Victoria
2002/05/23 endcap cryostat C rotation in building 180
2002/04/18 endcap cryostat C movement in building 180
2002/04/13 a few pictures of feedthroughs and cryostats taken in building 180
2002/04/02 dye penetrant tests of feedthrough welds at Victoria
2002/03/20 arrival of endcap cryostat C at CERN
2002/03/11 kapton repair of a few pigtails at CERN
2002/03/01 proposal for pigtail protection for barrel feedthroughs
2002/02/01 endcap signal feedthrough welding tests at CERN
2001/12/01 endcap signal feedthrough installation tests at CERN
2001/11/27 half of the barrel signal feedthroughs installed by the BNL team
2001/11/02 endcap signal feedthrough reception tests at CERN
2001/11/01 installation of the first barrel signal feedthroughs by the BNL team

feedthrough components
pin carriers
vacuum cables
pigtail cables
warm flanges