Minutes of the UVic testbeam meeting on July 2 2002 ------------------------------------------------------- (present: Ian G., Tayfun, and Tamara) This week's meeting was fairly short. Tayfun had made plots of mean and sigma of the total cluster energy for clusters of different sizes, for the pion data from run 11555. These can be found at http://particle.phys.uvic.ca/~tince/11555.html (the file is labelled Sigma & Mean vs Clusters). The mean of the energy followed the expected curve, but the sigma did not follow its expected curve. It was found to be too low at smaller cluster sizes than expected. Tayfun will continue to investigate this using different ADCs in the cluster. The optimal number of cells in the cluster appears to be 31. Ian has been working on installing and running Athena from his computer. He is currently running the data challenge software. I had started to look at the relationship between the measured energy of an electron beam and the known energy, but I became sidetracked because the pion contamination in the beam caused the mean total energy of the cluster to be quite a bit lower than the peak. I had written some code to do asymmetric and symmetric fits of the peak, but still had some problems getting it to fit the electron data and not the pion data. A small change was requested by Tayfun to the code I submitted for PlotAllCellsAlg. When there is a space in the name of the histogram, it makes it more difficult to bring it up again in root from the .root file produced. I will change this sometime today. Tayfun has also had a small problem with some of Ian's code, which had been trying to access ADC0 due to a small glitch in a list. Ian gave Tayfun some advice on how to correct the problem. Tayfun plans to keep looking at the pion data this week, Ian will be working with Athena, and I will continue looking at the electron data.