Minutes of the UVic Testbeam Meeting on July 11, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------- (Present: Ian Gable, Tamara Starke and Tayfun Ince) Well, we had to postpone our meeting from Tuesday because none of us wanted to miss free donuts in the lobby on Tuesday.. :) Ian has been testing Athena Testbeam Code and he managed to get it working. The Code is now on AFS and available for everyone. Tamara has been working with electron runs and doing clustering. She has made the plots and put them on her web page. ( http://particle.phys.uvic.ca/~starke/electron_clusters.html ) It seems the 5 cell cluster is the optimal one. I have worked on the other two pion runs which Margret has produced. I did the conversion from nA to GeV by finding alpha(E.M coeff.). I did not make HecResponse vs BeamEnergy plot since I had two points to place on. We have discussed about how we find the error on alpha, and we have decided to go with chisquare method for now. We also talked about our requests for our future analysis practice process. I requested some more pion runs with impact point D so that we can at least produce HecResponse vs BeamEnergy plot for pion..Tamara requested more electron runs with different impact point to be able to make comparison and see the effect of impact point. Ian suggested we should have some noise runs so that we can apply all the steps which we have learn from Michel's lectures and Dominigue's thesis. Ian has volunteered to try and figure out how to use Athena to produce the ntuples we need. Tamara is planning on not eating to many mini donuts from now on (at least this is what she said first).. :) Well, she is actully going to work on calculating alpha and error on it to produce a better plot of HecResponse vs BeamEnergy.. She has made one by using a fixed alpha( found alpha at 100 GeV and fixed), but the plot wasn't pretty. I am going to stop looking at the pion runs and work on electron data ( at least we have enough to be able see how HEC responds to electrons with various beam energies) until Ian succeeds figuring out how to produce the ntuples we have talked about.. We finally talked about EMEC a little bit, and decided on reading about EMEC more to find out how much of the shower is going to leak from the back of EMEC and og into HEC.