Minutes of the UVic testbeam meeting on July 26 2002 ------------------------------------------------------- (present: Ian G., Tayfun, and Tamara) Ian has kept working on getting Athena to work on dragon, but has not made much of a progress.. He is working on packaging TBRootAna as an RPM.. Tamara has investigated the problem we found on PlotAllCells.cxx with the way it calculates the mean of the histograms...The problem was with the range of the histogram; therefore, Tamara has written a small routine that calculates the mean of the data for each cell manually so that the range of the histogram won't matter... I have found that if we set the range of the histogram wide enough so that all of the signal is included, the mean comes up correct.. I have used the automatic rebinning option in Root.. I have also started doing clustering for each of the electron runs separately to see if this makes any improvement to E/Eo vs Eo plot... We talked about the question arised last week (why E/Eo for lower energies --ie. 20 GeV-- was generally smaller than for other energies), and Michel's massege about the question... For energies lower than aprox. 10 MeV for electron, E/Eo should go to zero because below this energy ionization dominates and shower dies. We, in this case, discussed Bremsstrahlung interaction and Bethe-Bloch Equation...