Minutes of the UVic testbeam meeting on June 5 : ================================================ (Present: Ian G., Tayfun, Tamara, Naoko, Michel, Margret) - Margret reported that there are now two new accounts: "cvs-atlas" and "data-atlas" which are ready to be filled with Ians software package and with ntuples respectively. There is also a set of HEC testbeam ntuples available (electrons, 7 different energies, for each energy one nA and one ADC PAW-ntuple plus their ROOT versions) - Tamara has been learning about Ian's code and studying Dominique's thesis - Tayfun is also studying Dominique's thesis and is focussing on the geometry of the HEC modules in the testbeam. - Ian gave a status report on his software work. He is concentrating now on making it more expandable, so that any particularly useful user algorithm can easily be made part of the package, so that it can be used by everybody else. He has also made it possible for the code to be checked out remotely via ssh. During next weeks' meeting (which will take place on TUESDAY at 10:00am) he will give us a little tutorial on how to use his tbrootana package. (a CVS tutorial on how to maintain the package will follow at a later point in time) For any more detailed information, Ian's web-site is THE place to go: http://particle.phys.uvic.ca/~gable/ - Michel has concentrated some time to learn from Naoko how to run the new athena version at Cern.