Minutes of the UVic testbeam meeting on June 11 : ================================================ (Present: Ian G., Tayfun, Tamara, Michel, Margret) - Naoko has fixed a bug in the testbeam converter and found out from A. Minaenko which coefficients to use in the athena jobOptions for the 2001 data. The electron PAW-ntuples generated a week ago have been re-done after the corrections were made and are now ready for testing in: data-atlas/testbeam/ntuples/2001 The previous ntuples will be kept for a week or two in data-atlas/testbeam/ntuples/2001_bug in case there is some academic interest in them, and then they will be erased. - Ian's tutorial got stuck in the access rights (or better: lack thereof) through the port in the library. He will look into this with Jan and we'll have another try next week Tuesday at 10:00am, again in the reading room. - Tamara reported that she is looking into introducing threshold cuts for the ADC channels and has converted Ian's code (which produced 1 file with 1 plot for each channel, ie 300 files) to produce 1 file with plots of all 300 channels. Her next goal will be to produce a limited number of historgrams with the highest energies only. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Our next meeting will be: Tuesday June 18, 10:00 am in the reading room