Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting June 25 2002 ================================================= (present: Ian G., Tamara, Tayfun, Margret) - Ian reported that Jan set him up on a new machine. The setup process took quite a while but is settling down now. - Ian, Tamara and Tayfun all have Cern accounts now. - The UVic testbeam page: http://particle.phys.uvic.ca/~web-atlas/atlas/hec-emec/tutorial/ has a direct link to the Atlas Athena tutorials at Cern. One of the next goals for everybody is to acquaint themselves with how to run athena at Cern. Ian will then also look into installing athena at UVic. - Tayfun has been doing further studies on clustering and found that for the one pion data file he was looking at there were several pads in the first layer with significant energy deposits that had so far been missed in the 32 cell clusters. He expanded the cluster to contain 40 cells now. Tayfun is eager to check things out with other pion data; Margret promised to generate a few pion ntuple before going on vacation. - Tamara has been reading about templates. She can also now generate an ordered list of cells with cell number and mean energy of the cell, starting from highest mean energy to lowest mean energy. - Both Tayfun's and Tamara's algorithm are almost ready to be comitted and Ian will show them how to do that. - Starting next week, Ian, Tamara and Tayfun will share running the weekly meetings. Tamara has volunteered to take the lead for the coming week.