Minutes of the meeting on May 22: --------------------------------- - Ian gave a review of his work with ROOT. He has created a CVS repository and added doxygen comments to his program package. It was suggested that Ian could be working on a channel <-> eta/phi geomtery service in the future. But for the moment that wasn't considered urgent yet. Ian has documented his work on his web-page: http://particle.phys.uvic.ca/~gable/ check it out - it is very nice and says more than I could ever put into the minutes! - Naoko discussed some changes in the Athena code for the release 3.2.0 The LArHECTBCnv has now moved to LArCnv. The access to the LArDigit calss will require a "key" which identifies whether EMEC information is read or HEC information. However, apart from this key, the LArDigit will have exactly the same structure for both EMEC and HEC (Note: the Identifier class is not available any more). For the testbeam, there will be a LArHECTBEvent class as before, and _after_ the testbeam we will move to a unified LArTBEvent. LArHECTBCnv will be updated (see slides of this meeting for the layout of the structure of the converter). See also: /afs/cern.ch/user/n/nkanaya/myCVSROOT - Margret gave a little overview over some elements in the EMEC readout. - Rob McPherson (who happened to be at UVic for this meeting) told us that for the combined testbeam the EMEC will record all data with 2 gains (so all signals are recorded "twice"). Due to a lack of electronics, the EMEC peoplewire their readout electronics only to the cells that are in an area around the beam. If the beam moves, they re-connect the wires so their electronics can read out the new section. For that reason there is no channel mapping available for the EMEC testbeam setup. During the combined run Sepp Huber will run the DAQ on the hp in the beam hut. Sepp should have a testfile by mid/end of June for Naoko to try out. We will run our monitor on Pavol Strizinec's linux machine, whichj is located next door to the HEC beamhut. Pavol will be contributing to the calibration package and for that depends intimately on our Athena code.