Minutes of the Testbeam Meeting, held Tuesday, November 12, 2002 ================================================================= (Present: ML, NK, TI, PP, MF) Naoko presented her ongoing work on the pulse shape. She is following a note from the Annecy group (see our meeting notes from Oct.22), and showed us first results on pulse prediction. The key formula is given by: L(Ip(s)) w^2 L(Up(s)) = ---------- ----------- L(Uc(s)) L(Ic(s)) s^2 + w^2 where the L represent the Laplace transforms into the frequency domain (s) of the voltages (Up, Uc) and currents(Ip, Ic) of the physics pulse(p) and calibration pulse (c) respectively. the free parameter is omega (w) with w=1/(LC), which can be varied such that the difference between the physics pulse shape and the prediction done with the FFT from the calibration pulse is minimized. She compared the pulse shape obtained by FFT to the measured signal pulse shape and calibration pulse shape. Margret's present version of the cookbook is nearing completion and will be made public in time for the LArg week. Tayfun has tested out the last chapters of the cookbook. Talks for the LArg week are being prepared by Michel and Margret.