Minutes of the UVic testbeam meeting, Wed. April 30, 2003 ========================================================= Michel presented a draft plan for the group, which was developed by Michel, Rob, Richard and Randy. It should serve as a guideline for what each of us will be doing in the next while. These guidelines are not fixed, but a suggestion of what could be done: Long-term schedule: ------------------- Tayfun and Tamara: Their thesis work will be based on testbeam analysis. In order to provide them with well defined (and separated) topics for their analysis, it was suggested that Tayfun could concentrated on analyzing the electromagnetic aspects of the testbeam data while Tamara could concentrate on the hadronic processes. Ian Gable will be working with us again over the summer. Together with Michel, a new version of the TBRootAna package can be developed, and possibly later an interface to MC packages. Margret and Naoko are encouraged to pursue testbeam analyses of their own choice. Margret will also be involved in ntuple production while Naoko should continue her software maintenance (with Rob) and web-documentation. It was acknowledged, that Naoko's software work is a major piece of work and will continue to take up the major fraction of her time. Rob is in charge of the LAr Testbeam software coordination now. He is investigating formats for next year's datataking and will continue to contribute work on the signal reconstruction. Michel will continue the upkeep of the web-pages and chair the meetings. He will also be looking at identifiers, keys and other software items as well as working on a geometry service. It was mentioned that A.Kiryunin has a G4 version of the combined testbeam running. None of us have looked at it yet, but we believe that he has a web-site with lots of information on this and with packages that can be checked out. Schedule to the immediate future: --------------------------------- Tamara and Tayfun have to re-familiarize themselves with the testbeam analysis routines. This means starting with a fresh version of Athena (6.0.3.) and running an Athena job, producing an Ntuple with LArTBCombinedNtup. They should look into the Ntuple and see what it contains for the combined testbeam. They should also look at some pre-2002 data, using TBRootAna. While looking at the contents of the ntuple it is important to become familiar with all aspects of the geometry of the testbeam setup. Naoko is currently busy with the preparation of talks for the ATLAS physics workshop in Athens and for the CAP conference. She is also involved in coordinating the new Athena version 6.1.0. Margret is working on analyzing shower shapes. She gave a presentation on the longitutinal shower development, which can be studied with the material runs taken during the combined testbeam. Slides of her talk are on our web site. The meeting ran out of time at this point, so the next points on the agenda (Michel's report on MPI analyses and Naoko's report on out-of-phase events) had to be postponed until next week. You can have a look at the MPI analysis presented by Hendrik Bartko at the last LAr week at http://agenda.cern.ch/fullAgenda.php?ida=a03712