Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, December 5 2003
(present: TI, TH, AA, RK, MF)

Tamara has found some runs for which the beam straddles the modules, and she now sees an asymmetry effect in the module response as well. She showed a couple of plots (150 GeV and 200 GeV) pions at y=0, x=-160. They were not exactly the same plots as MPI had produced, but they demonstrate a pronounced asymmetry.

Tayfun had contacted Naoko about her new weights and created some Ntuples following her instructions. He was very impressed by Naoko's work and her instructions. While running the code, he found that some cells had a `max. floating point number'. Naoko said that there are 3 cases for which this could happen:
- The time samples might not be valid
- The range of time samples for the fit might not be correct
- global timing might not have been calculated due to low signal.
Particular problem cells are:
271, 496 (no response)
497, 498 (odd pulse-shape)
465, 490 (large time-shift - maybe wrong)
A huge THANK YOU! goes to Naoko for all her work and her help!!!

Tayfun then showed some plots that compared results obtained with the old weights and the new weights. He plotted: (beam position in beam chamber)-(beam position in 2nd EMEC layer) and finds that the distribution has a shoulder when using the old weights, and no shoulder with the new weights. The width of the peak of the distributions is approximately the same for both cases (about 0.083cm).
He also produced scatter plots of the energy in EMEC layer1 vs. layers two and finds that these distributions look a lot cleaner with the new weights. The same can be said for the distributions when he plots the energy in the HEC vs. the energy in the EMEC.
The plots be found at this web page.

Margret mentioned that she contacted Pavol about the G4 Ntuples and received valuable replies and help. All the G4 Ntuple energies are indeed in MeV. The fact that the EMEC absorber energy wasn't filled was due to a small bug in the program and has now been fixed. There is an option to turn on charge collection in the EMEC, but Pavol strongly advises against it, as that has not been tested yet and is not really supported.
Tayfun has tested the converted G4 Ntuples and gave Margret some feedback on it. The essential things are accessible in TBRootAna now. Testbeam Ntuple entries that make no sense in G4 are filled with zeros. In addition to the usual Ntuple trees there is an additional Ntuple tree (hg4) in the converted G4 Ntuple file that contains G4 specific information with information that the regular testbeam Ntuple does not carry or carries in a different format. (Like number of hits in the F1,F2 counters, x and y hits in the beam chambers, total energies in EMEC and HEC LAr and absorbers). This tree will likely be expanded in the future.
Margret thinks she can do a quick-fix to simulate the HV problems in Geant. Tamara is to supply Margret with a little wish-list (Ebeam, particle-type, xcryo, ytable and list of cells with reduced signal due to HV problems) so Margret can generate some events for her and then we can see whether we can see an asymmetry in the Geant events.

Richard reminded everybody that computer problems might be looming ahead, as all Linux systems will have to undergo security upgrades.