Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, December 19 2003
(present: TI, TH, ML, RK, MF)

Tayfun checked Naoko's final Ntuple production version with the new weights. The new weights also mean new calibration constants. He said that Naoko's instructions are very clear and easy to follow. Tayfun looked at the noise with the new code and finds that it has gone down significantly, with the biggest change in the second layer.
Richard wanted to know whether all the Ntuples should be re-produced now. Tayfun said that he'll be working on that. He is working on a script that automates the job-submission and transmission of Ntuples to UVic. It takes about 40-80 minutes to create one EMEC Ntuple.
Tayfun is also a `guinea pig' for Jan in trying a new account setup that will make the user-id numbers used on our machines and the campus unix more compatible. This causes a few hiccups here and there but should result in increased security in the end and allow access to the computer centre new mass storage.

Tamara looked at the response of (HEC+EMEC) with fixed weights between the two and finds a drop in response for the middle module. She then applied a correction obtained from the response of the individual layers and arrives at a uniform response in x now when plotting (HEC+EMEC). She hasn't studied the resolution after the correction yet, but will do so next. Also on her agenda is to let the relative weight between HEC and EMEC float again and see what that does.
Michel pointed out that the dip in response in the region of the inter-module gap of the HEC second layer is quite strong. Interestingly, where there is a dip in the second layer, there is a peak in the third layer. This obviously has to do with the development of the shower.
Tamara also mentioned that she looked that Margret's G4 Ntuples and finds that they are now usable.

Margret is now looking into the G4 code more deeply by trying to understand exactly how a HEC module is defined and positioned. Once she understands that she is planning to put simple objects into the beam herself, with the idea in mind to create some g4 `material runs'.

For January:
Michel said that Tamara should spend 2 weeks in January to see whether the new weights affect the hadronic resolution (he suspects the effect should be smallt, but it needs to be looked at). Then efforts should go toward preparing for the LArg week where the reduced response in the middle HEC should be presented.
Richard mentioned that Tayfun should also work on getting a talk ready for the WRNPP in Lake Louise.