Minutes of the UVic testbeam meeting on Jan. 16, 2003 ======================================================= (present: ML, NK, TI, TS, MF ) Ntuples: -------- Margret had a little look at the entries of the "standard" Ntuple. At the moment, the EMEC ntuples are filled and named EXACTLY the same as the HEC ntuples (100, 101, 102). This was done with the idea in mind to have something useful until the dust settles. An improvement of the Ntuple structure could include the following (and these are just ideas...): - Change the names of the entries such that either the "hec_" prefix is removed altogether, or the EMEC entries get the prefix "emec_" - rename the Ntuples In case that the contents stay the same for HEC and EMEC, give the EMEC Ntuples diffrent numbers, e.g. 200, 201, 202. More likely, some of the things that are at present recorded in duplicate can probably be put into some global Ntuple (like: beam energy, beam x, table y, particle type, LAr termperature and pressure ... ) - add things that are new, like gain for the EMEC and maybe starting channel number for the readout (0 for emec, 1 for hec) which could make analysis macros a little more fail-proof w.r.t. being off by one channel. EventDisplay: ------------- It now runs at UVic. Naoko figured out the really crucial part: The EventDisplay package has to be compiled with exactly the same compiler and compiler version that ROOT was compiled with....! After some test-driving of the EventDisplay, Margret found that one can indeed plot anything (in form of a 1d histogram) one wants. In fact, the program is so accomodating that caution is advised: The program copies any two 1d-histograms (one for HEC one for EMEC) into 2 histograms that have 1152 channes each. These channels then get mapped onto the fancy display. The tricky bit is that one has to be REALLY careful where one's own histogram starts (ie: centre of first bin = 0 for emec and 1 for hec) and that the number of channels is correct. The program will quite happiliy plot histograms that have only 15 bins and also histograms that have 3000 bins. It will just fill the first 15 channels or ignore the last thousand and something if nbins=3000). Improved LArSimplePolynomial ---------------------------- Sven and Michel confirm that the improved LArSimplePolynomial (see Sven and Hendrick email of 08 Jan 2003) now requires LArPedestalSubtract to be executed before. LArSimplePolynomial is now more sophisticated, and the dependency is unavoidable. LArTimeSubtract --------------- Sven confirmed to Michel that the sub-algorithm LArTimeSubtract, normally used in the LArTBTiming top algorithm, can also be used in the LArTBSignalBuilder top algorithm. Since LArTBTiming uses LArTBSignalContainer locally only (not on the TDS), this feature could be useful to access the corrected cubic times of individual cells (netCubicTime) for diagnostics purposes, for example to check or monitor the quality of the global cubic time over the information provided in LArTBTimingObject.