Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Wednesday, June 18 2003

(present: IG, TI, NK, LK, ML, TS)

Ian recently gave a TBRootAna tutorial, attended by Tamara, Tayfun and Laura. Everybody is now using TBRootAna, and all find it easy to use.
The geometry service is now in very good shape, the only important service missing being the ones that provide the list of nearest neighbors to a line. This awaits the decision to be made by Naoko and Michel on a suitable parametrization to be used in the combined ntuple.
Ian and Tayfun point out that the correct environment variable to set the editor fot cvs is CVSEDITOR = 'emacs'. This is detailed in TBRootAna's Freqently Asked Question web page .

Michel described the local detector coordinate system and the nominal coordinate system using a few slides available on our web site. These slides are updated when nessary. Michel encourages everybody to regularly look at our HEC+EMEC we site.

Ian introduced KDevelop to Tamara and Tayfun. KDevelop is an easy to use C/C++ IDE (Integrated Development Enviroment) for Unix. They are all very pleased with it. Others should contact Ian on how to get started.

Naoko announces that Athena release 6.3.0 will come out very soon, and that changes mainly pertain to identifier and should be mostly invisible to users. She also warns us that the LArBookkeeping service does not work at the moment. Naoko plans to modify the LArTBCombinedNtup top algorithm to improve the beam chamber information on the combined ntuple. Michel pointed out that, since the ntuple information only contains the results of the beam chamber track fit, perhaps the only information required on the ntuple could be the track and its error, as opposed to the x and y values at the beam chamber wire planes z coordinates,as is the case now. Michel and Naoko to discuss a suitable way of parametrizing a 3D line and its errors. The same approach should then be used for TBRootAna gemetry services that require a line as input.

Status Report
Tamara is working on reproducing Sven and Hendrik's hadronic shower results. Results expected for next week's meeting.
Tayfun is pursuing his EMEC channel noise studies, comparing the pedestal rms with the results of his noise computation using digital filtering on channels with no signal.
Naoko offered to produce ntuples as soon as run number lists were available. Tamara will provide Naoko with a list of run numbers shortly. We should remember that the ntupe will improve soon with regards to beam chamber track information. Naoko is also investigating the correctness of the geomtrical mapping using beam test data, following Margret's claim that there might be a problem. Naoko is also investigating the aspects of hadronic beam test data analysis that could be directly useful for Atlas, given the non-pointing nature of our beam test setup.