Minutes of the Testbeam Meeting, held Thursday, March 13, 2003 ================================================================= (Present: ML, NK, TI, MF, TS) Database: ========= - Naoko reported that the work on the Conditions Database is ongoing. and that an interface to it has been implemented. At the moment it is possible to access information stored in the Database if one know the pathname. The final aim is to be able to access the Database by just giving a run number. (There are still too many ambiguities for this at the moment.) Experts can make a certain run number point to a particular table via the IOVDdSvc. The final version of the "standard" Ntuple is still being worked on. Data: ===== - Margret looked at some runs of EMEC data (60GeV e) where various amounts of material (0,1,4 X0) had been placed in front of the cryostat. Looking at the 4 longitudinal segments, one can see readily how the shower development moves more towards the front as more material is placed into the beam. Geometry: ========= - Michel pointed out the urgency of having a well-defined testbeam coordinate system. Margret promised to gome up with a draft for one for the next meeting.