Minutes of the Testbeam Meeting, held Wednesday May 21, 2003 ================================================================= (Present: NK, TI, MF, TS, RK, IG) TBRootAna: ---------- Ian reported that he has completely reworked the package so that it now works with the standard gnu tools, which take care of automatic dependencies during the build process. This should make things a lot more maintainable. He has also started to implement the new Ntuple data structure and a preliminary version for the 2002 data should be ready by the end of the week. Geometry files: --------------- Richard and Margret have joined forces to create EMEC and HEC geometry files that will include the actual z-position of the individual cells. The files are essentially ready now. (Thanks should also go to Fares Djama who provided us with the eta-dependent z-coordinates of the S1/S2 and S2/S3 boundaries of the EMEC.) Geant4: ------- Naoko reported that Pavol's Geant4 package compiles and runs on the fates. It was suggested that it should be put into a common place, somewhere in the Atlas software directory structure. Tayfun ------ has looked at some 119 GeV electron data. He is trying to find the cells with the largest energy per event. He is currently working on how to deal with noisy channels, which are a problem in events that don't see significant total energy deposits. At the moment it is unclear whether these events are random, muon or something else. Tamara ------ is working herself through the ROOT tutorial to get reacquainted with the important analysis tools. Problems - Questions - Answers ------------------------------ Tayfun noticed that h2root isn't working any more on the fate, however at Cern it works. Ian mentioned that what is needed is likely to specify the new root (/net/cern/root-3.05). This however only works on fate3 at the moment. Richard was wondering whether there is anything in the way of some large Ntuple production. Naoko said that at the moment it is just the out-of-phase events; a fix for that is committed but not tagged yet.