Minutes of the Testbeam Meeting, held Wednesday May 28, 2003

(Present: NK, TI, MF, TS, RK, IG)

Ian reported that TBRootAna has been completely reworked and is now ready for reading the 2002 testbeam data. He has changed the directory structure, so that it now looks like a standard GNU package. He gave us an overview over how to use the package. For the instructions and lots of examples (in the utilities directory), please go to the TBRootAna web-site, also accessible from our hec-emec web-site.
Ian hopes that the package will now go into active usage with people checking in their own generally useful code into the repository. He has used the KDevelop package for developing the code.
Ian's next step will be to work on a geometry service for the testbeam with Michel.

Quick individual status reports

Is concentrating on the list of identifiers to be use in the LAr software. Version 6.2.0 has new fixes and updates. The compilation and build of that version will start tomorrow (May29). This typically takes a day - if there are no problems.
She has also installed the Geant4 testbeam code on the fates. This need to be tried out!

Has produced energy-weighted eta/phi plots of the EMEC cells for 119 GeV electron data. (Richard suggested it might be interesting to look at leakage of electrons into the HEC)
He still finds event that have 0 (zero) for all Ntuple entries. Naoko says that that is a "feature", and the user should just eliminate them. It is caused by a bad float error, and ideally should get fixed in the athena code.

is re-familiarizing herself with TBRootAna. She also reported a problem she had with her .bash_profile: She changed it, but when she logged off and logged on again next time it had reverted to the old version. She also needs different passwords, depending on the fate that she logs into. If she changes her password, she finds that upon the next login, the old password is the one that is valid. This is definitely a problem for Jan to look into.

Next week
It would be nice if we could go over the jobOption file line by line so that we all know what each line does, what we can change and/or what we better leave untouched.