Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, October 31 2003
(present: TI, IG, TH, AA, ML, MF)

Margret reported briefly that for the longitudinal shower shape analysis she increased her cluster size and also looked at runs where the additional material was placed closer to the cryostat. The discrepancy between theory and data for the runs with large amounts of additional material was slightly reduced when she did that, but is still there.

Tamara has applied global cubic time corrections in her pion analysis and she finds that it has only a minuscule effect on the resolution. Michel explained that this is likely because the resolution is generally of the order of about 10%, and the variations observed due to timing are an order of magnitude smaller. He also pointed out that doing these corrections is an iterative process, as every time a correction gets applied, the weighting factor x for the HEC has to be re-determined.
Next, Tamara will look at the HV corrections.

Tayfun reported that he characterized all the electron runs and now has all the run information in a root N-tuple.

Michel reminded us that we should look at the slides of the LArg week and read the NIM paper draft.
He also mentioned that Ian Gable wrote a report on the maintenance of TBRootAna.

Ian offered to look into the compatibility of TBRootAna with different versions of ROOT. Margret mentioned that in order to run Minuit properly, she has to use a different ROOT version that is required for TBROOTAna. Swapping them won't work for either. She promised to supply Ian with a log of error message she gets when running the programs with the different versions and Ian kindly offered to look into it.