Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, November 21 2003
(present: TI, TH, AA, ML, MF)

Margret reported that she is working on converting Geant Ntuples into Ntuples of testbeam format. She ran into several problems with Naoko's Ntuple conversion package and hope that they will be resolved by the end of the month.
She also got together with Ian Gable to look into the version problems for Minuit/TBRootAna. Ian suspects that it has to do with compiler issues. Re-compiling TBRootAna with the version under which Minuit runs does not solve the problem. So for the moment, everything continues to run as before (by issuing `source newenv' before running TBRootAna, and running Minuit in the default environment).

Tayfun now has all the tools/macros ready to access any information he wants in his run-characteristics Ntuple, and to select runs for his analysis based on that information.
Michel pointed out that his next aim should be to find out how to produce new Ntuples with Naoko's new set of weights. That way he won't have to do timing corrections and get better results than if he would have applied corrections. We should find out from Naoko what is involved: Do we just need a new weights file? Or do we need a whole new version of the code (if so, is it committed yet?)? Tayfun said he'd contact Naoko on how to go about.
As to HV corrections in the EMEC, Michel mentioned that based on Margret's calculations for radial dependent module properties, Naoko prepared a routine in TBRootAna that started to look at HV corrections as a function of gap-thickness and HV applied. The effect is likely to be very small, but it will be interesting to see whether we are actually able to see any effect at all.

Tamara looked deeper into the asymmetries due to HV problems that are reported by the MPI group. She still doesn't see any effect. Michel pointed out that this is very likely due to the fact that in the case of the MPI analysis, the shower straddles two modules, so there actually is some energy in the central module as well as in one of the outer modules most of the time. In Tamara's case, the beam hits the central module in the middle, with very little energy (if any) deposited in the outer modules. In that scenario, of course, it is not very likely to measure an asymmetry.

Michel reminded Tamara and Tayfun to prepare a proposed outline for their planned talks at the WRNPPC04 at lake Louise.