Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Wednesday, September 3 2003

(present: AA, MF, TI, TH, RK, ML)

All our best wishes to Tamara who just got married ! (and changed her name to Tamara Hughes)

New meeting time !
In order to accommodate everybody's schedule, the group has decided on a new meeting time. Starting next week (Sept.12), we will meet on Fridays at 9:00am in the reading room.

Status Reports
Tayfun showed some his position of EMEC barycenter vs beam-chamber plots (ps). He is looking at distance scales small enough that he is beginning to see some discretization most likely due to the wires in the wire chambers.
A small discussion arose over his requirement that the beam had to go through the F1/F2 counters. Michel explained that it looks like there has been a mistake in the electronics that took an OR between two scintillators F1/F2 and W instead of an AND. If that is the case, the timing of the event could be out of kilter, because it could come from the W counter instead of from the more precise F1/F2 counters.

Margret showed some of her phi dependence plots. In one area she observed a drop in response over a some phi region. She was wondering whether it could be due to a HV problem (like a missing gap), and whether there is a place where know problems of this kind in the EMEC might be documented (nobody knew). Michel explained that it is likely due to uncertainties in the calibration.