Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, April 2 2004
(present: TI, TH, MF, RK, AA, AA')

Tamara is in the midst of writing the code for the energy-dependent depth-weights, which should improve the hadronic resolution. There will be a different weight for each of the layers in the HEC and in the EMEC. She is quite confident, that she will have some plots for the next meeting - but at the moment her code is still in flux and being debugged.

Tayfun is now using a quadratic Legendre polynomial to describe the HV and sampl. fraction corrections for his analysis. When he plots E/(averageE), he obtains a Gaussian with a width of about 0.9 %. He also found another way to make a correction: He knows the detailed fine-structure of the EMEC response as a function of phi. This can be fitted with a 3rd harmonic Fourier series. He also has a good knowledge of the shower position obtained by the clustering algorithm on an event-by event basis. Based on the position of the shower and the phi-dependence, he can now apply a correction on an event by event basis. He hasn't completed all the details for that yet, but the basic parts for this approach are in place. Correcting only the seed-cell already improves things: Tayfun showed a plot of the phi dependence after the correction and the height of the periodic phi `spikes' decreased from 1.02 to 1.015.
Richard also suggested a hybrid method: It should be possible to adjust the cells such that they have the right average energy and then do the fine-structure correction on each cell.
Tayfun then showed detailed plots of the x-resolution as a function of beam energy. Among other things, he also plotted it as log(sigma) vs. log(Ebeam) and finds that the slope is pretty close to -0.5. The errors still need to be studied a bit more carefully.

Richard talked to Rob about the activities in our group. The testbeam analysis and monitoring will be done in Athena. MC data will have to be studied in order to understand the jet-energy scale. Generally, it will be important that we get Athena running at UVic and Ashok will be working on that. He already knows how to run Athena-based GRID jobs and is familiar with the general framework.

Ashok reported that he is in the process of installing Athena 7.5.0, which is considered to be a stable version. NRC and Alberta apparently have the same release running. Ashok has it running on Mercury and was able to to run a Pythia test-job. His next aim is to install it on fate. Tayfun and Tamara can give him some help in bringing some raw data over from Cern and providing him with a simple test-job. The aim for the next meeting is to have a simple teatbeam job running on Mercury and see whether it works before moving on the the fates.
Release 8 will be out very soon and should be tackled as soon as realistically possible, because this summer's testbeam will be running under version 8.

Margret is looking at the LArG4TB code. She has sent a geantino through the detector and tracked all the detector volumes that it went through.
Margret also plans to install Geant4 on a special account so that eventually this can be used by everybody. The version that she is planning to install is 4.6.1, which is that latest version that has just come out.