Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, February 27 2004
(present: TI, TH, MF, ML, RK, AA)

Michel informed us that Peter Jenni has been re-elected as spokesperson of ATLAS.

Margret reported that she has been preparing for the G4tutorial at SLAC. She is also working on compiling a stand-alone version of LArG4 at UVic (which appears to be a little tedious). She has also given some help to Richard and Tayfun, trying to track down what might be plaguing Tayfun's beam chamber information.

Richard pointed out to the group that there is a nice review article on Calorimeters written by Chris Fabian and Fabiola Gianotti in Rev. Mod. Phys, Oct 2003, vol.75 no.4, p1243. He says it looks good and is very readable.

Tamara is continuing her pursuit of the timing problems in the pion runs. She has now looked at events where the timing comes from only the HEC or only the EMEC, and she finds that there is a still a bias in the energy vs time distributions - although less severe than it was when the timing was based on signals obtained by any of the two calorimeters. A possible explanation could be that the remaining bias is due to the start of the showers: The earlier a shower starts, the easier it is to get a good EMEC time.
In order to follow this up, one of the next things to do is to look at runs, where the TDC was working and see whether the timing information can be correlated.
Richard thinks that there is a possibility that there could be timing differences for runs, where the F and B trigger counters were or-ed.

Tayfun presented several plots of his attempt to track down the poor position correlation between the wire-chambers and the EMEC. There is a small portion of the events in the runs where the F and B counters were or-ed that are well correlated and a large portion where the MWPCs and the EMEC position appears to be totally uncorrelated - although largely limited to a "blob" of about 3cm x 3cm in MWPC vs EMEC coordinates (x or y respectively). There appears to be nothing wrong with the clusters in the EMEC and the wire-chamber fits don't have large errors. What keeps us all flummoxed is: Why does this seem to happen throughout the runs where F and B were or-ed? For the good correlated events, Tayfun finds that the spacial resolution is about 0.09cm, improved by a factor of 10 compared to what he obtained when he looked at the uncorrelated events only.