Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, July 09 2004
(present: IG, TH, TI, WS)

Warren is settling back in at Victoria after time at CERN. He has discussed with Richard three main areas to focus on for the next 5 weeks:
1) Continue to look at the data from the CBT-EC2 run I, and stay involved with the happenings at CERN.
2) Coordinate with Ian to help out with and learn about the MC work being done.
3) Do some preliminary reading/study of some textbooks Richard suggested to prepare for the grad courses this fall.
He will be sending weekly email updates/progress reports to Richard and getting together with Tayfun early next week to discuss monitoring macros for the testbeam.

Tayfun continues to write his thesis.

Ian continued work on G4 for the Test Beam.

Tamara has had some success in implementing various forms of Minuit fitting for different weighting schemes for minimizing the resolution. The schemes she has looked at use a single weight for the HEC and none for the EMEC. She has minimized the resolution in several different methods. The "Chi Square" method minimizes the sum over all events of ((E_beam - E_measured) / sigma)^2, where E_measured is E_EMEC + w1*E_HEC and sigma is based on the unweighted energy resolution width. The "Gamma Squared" method minimizes ((/^2) - 1). The histogram method involves fitting a histogram at each minuit step and minizing the resolution, but this method was found to be both time-consuming and inaccurate. Some plots can be found at
http://particle.phys.uvic.ca/~tmhughes/20040707/ and