Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, March 19 2004
(present: TI, TH, MF, RK)

Margret is continuing her efforts to install LArG4 stand-alone. She has asked Bill Seligmann for help with some problems she encountered and he suggested that the cause might be a version problem, like trying to link libraries that were compiled under different versions. Margret is trying to track down the root of the problem.

Tamara continued work on her asymmetry plot (caused by HV problems in the HEC) and presented a polynomial fit through the plot. In order to get better statistics, she combined a number of the 150 GeV runs in this plot. Next she will analyze the 200 GeV and 30 GeV data and then apply the fit-results to the data and see whether the resolution can be improved. Richard suggested that it might be worthwhile to fit the asymmetry distribution with Legendre Polynomials.
Tamara is also learning how to use the details of Minuit now.

Tayfun wanted to see whether there is any eta-dependence in his phi plots. He plotted normalized energy versus phi cell and made one plot for the lower impact points (H,I,J) and one plot for the upper points (D,E). He finds that the distributions look very similar for the two regions.
He also finds that there is a region on the left side of the calorimeter (impact points G,C) whose response appears to be systematically low. It is not clear yet, what the cause of this is, but the effect shows up in a number of runs at various energies. He will produce some plots of the normalized energy vs x next.