Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Monday, May 17 2004
(present: TI, TH, MF, RK, (ML by phone))

Margret has looked at the Calor1997 talk on hadron calorimetry by D.Groom and gave a little summary of what is in the presentation. D. Groom's talk (and more) can be found at this web page.
Margret's next aim is to start looking at how to run the LArG4(TB) simulations in the Athena framework at UVic. Richard suggested that Ian Gable should work with Margret and Ashok on getting this going.

Tamara is currently working on modifying her code so that it works with the event-by-event clustering algorithm. She is looking at various settings for the Signal/Noise cut to see how it affects the non-Gaussian tails in the Noise plot.

Tayfun reported that he started to write his thesis. He also had another look at the resolution, and assuming the the mwpc's have no uncertainty in their position, he arrives at a resolution of about 0.37 mrad. He read up on position resolution on Wigmans' book on Calorimetry and found that the position resolution is dominated by the cell size. Wigmans gives a formula to describe this and Tayfun applied this formula to his analysis and finds that it fits exactly.

Michel phoned into the meeting from Geneva, where he is participating in the testbeam-startup. He reported that the activities are about one week behind schedule, largely due to DAQ/ROD delays. On the day of the meeting (May17) last cabling tests were performed. The cryostat was supposed to be closed the following day and colling down is supposed to commence on the weekend, with start of data taking some time next week.
Michel is working on monitoring software, pioneered by Rob, Peter Loch and others. Many are now involved in this task. The important information for us is that the plan is to use Athena version 8.2.0 for the testbeam and freeze that version once it is working to have a stable system.