Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, October 29, 2004
(present: ML,TH, RK, IG, AAgrewal, AAstbury, WS,  PP, TI, RS, MF)

Ashok reported that last weeks hot topics was which OS to run on which machines. The situation has been resolved: Mercury Cluster RHEL, Muse Cluster RHEL, Muse Nodes 48-47 SL, One Fate the same as Lxplus, and the rest of the fates RHEL. Support for the Muse cluster is provided by SLAC, and support for Mercury will be provided IBM. Ashok has had some problems installing the MySQL binaries provided by CERN because they depend on different glibc version then we have here. Ashok will also bring Athena 8.8.0 to UVic.

Tayfun has produced a draft of his first draft.

Warren intends to check to see if he can see the effect of the tungsten layer in the FCAL. Michel commented that if he is going to look into clustering he should not make his own algorithms but use the ones made by others.

Rolf is getting ready to leave for CERN. He has investigated some of the monitoring macros.

Tamara is working on her beam-energy independent weighting scheme.  She has further refined her fits of the C1 paramters, and found a function to better estimate the beam energy from the energy reconstructed using the calorimeter that will hopefully help improve the resolution of the beam-energy independent weighting scheme.

Michel asked if it was necessary or worth the effort to bring each new athena release here. The question remained unresolved.

Ian and Margret have been investigating a source of a run time error and have failed to find the source of it. The clean up of code and reworking of NTuples has also been happening in parallel. Richard and Michel both suggested getting out a debugger to find this error.