Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, September 3 2004
(present: TH, RK, ML, IG, AAgrewal, AAstbury)

Ashok gave a summary of the current state of the UVic athena install. He plans to install the athena release required to run analysis jobs on the 2004 Test Beam Data (8.6.0). He and Warren will refresh themselves in the procedure for checking out and compiling packages locally. He also reported that files stored on mercury are available from the fates. The athena LArG4 package is running properly.

Warren has returned from being married and is preparing to look at some pion data from 2004. He will be attempting to run some python scripts to do energy sums over all three detectors. He will also eventually attempt to put together scripts capable of looking at all the data in one shot.

Michel reports that cern test beam meetings are normally occurring every other Monday at 5:30 pm cern time. Canadian test beam meetings have not been scheduled yet but it is hoped that they will be scheduled so that people in time zones from the west coast to Geneva will be able to attend. He also reported that multiple analysis streams can be run simultaneously from a single athena jobOption file through the use of sequencers.

Tamara has been preparing slides for next weeks LArg week. The slides will demonstrate the effectiveness of energy density weighting both in improving resolution and more importantly here, linearity. She also working on her thesis.

Ian has finished the re-write of the Root Tree output class (Event class) that controls the output of G4 hits and per ADC channel information. He is now expanding efforts to include fixing up the class that fills the Event class.  Next week he will report on the progress on the schedule created by Margret and himself.

Richard requested that all the individual webpages created by Ashok, Ian, Tamara, and Warren relating to their atlas efforts be linked into the proper spot in the atlas webpages. These people should give the links to Michel when they are ready. He wanted us to have material prepared to show at the next larg meeting. He also wanted to generate a list of questions dealing with the ATLAS Event Model.