Minutes of the UVic Atlas Meeting held April 1, 2005
(present at UVic: WS, PP, TI, MF, RS, RK; present at CERN: KV )

Meeting Agenda

Rolf reported that he finished converting the 2002 Testbeam data. They are currently located under:
Rolf gave an overview over some failures which were encountered during the conversion. He will investigate what the best option is for archiving this data at UVic, so that it can be retrieved easily in case of a disk failure. Rolf wants to concentrate next on looking at Noise.

Margret showed some slides on what happens to the energies of the Geant4 Hits when they pass through the Digitization step to be filled into LArRawChannels. Five time samples are temporarily created (LArDigitmaker), then a peak is determined via optimal filtering (LArRawChannelBuilder), and the energy of that peak is filled into the LArRawChannel. This means that a lot of things already happen to the energy in the Digitization step.

Kai reported that his LArCellFakeProbHV Tool is in athena, starting from release 10.0.0 . He finds that the LArHVCablingTool, which he has to use is unreasonably slow and has asked the responsible experts to fix it. Meanwhile, he has written his own fix to be able to obtain a list of cells for given HV line more speedily.

Warren has completed copying the 2004 TB bytestream data to UVic. He is now running the reconstruction and is looking at the data - a first set of plots of reconstructed cluster energies are shown in his slides.