Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, January 7, 2005
(present: ML,TH, IG, AAstbury, WS, PP, TI, MF, RK)

Michel mentioned that the Friday meetings will be moved to 8:30 am from 11 am to include Kai and Rob, barring serious objections. No serious objections we raised, (although significant grumbling was heard!). He noted that the meetings will no longer be called test beam meetings as our work now encompasses more aspects of ATLAS!

Rolf has returned from CERN. While there he has written a converter to change the 2002 test beam data into the Athena pool format that can then be handled by the Athena analysis tools. He will be testing the converter here and once things are running correctly the task will be given to Ashok to convert the data using out local machines.  Kai and Rolf's work efforts are connected to hadronic calibration. Michel pointed out that the Tayfun and Tamara have a lot of experience with 2002 TB Analysis and would be good resources for Rolf.

Margret asked to get together with Rolf next week so that the TB Simulation could coordinate with Rolf's efforts so that we could have a consistent set of pool objects.