Minutes of the UVic Atlas Meeting held Friday, June 17, 2005
(present at UVic: ML, WS, PP, MF, RS, GC, TI, TH; present at CERN: KV )

Meeting Agenda

Michel, Rolf and Kai gave us their comments to the Rome workshop. Go to the Rome agenda page. Michel told us that for this workshop the emphasis was on commissioning and first data taking and running. In-situ calibration using top decays can play an important role. The combined muon session talks were really good; the slides should be looked at. The Final session had a talk by Ian Hinchliffe on computing during which UVic members were actually acknowledged!
Rolf prepared a summary slide with his impressions and a list of good talks and showed some slides on a study of cluster moments he had done.
Kai reported that he has implemented a new Wiki page for hadronic calibration. Michel drew attention to the Jets/ETmiss/Tau meeting which dealt a lot with hadronic calibration.
Inspired by the workshop, Michel drew up a list of tasks to work on. Margret thought it would be a good idea to keep such a list on a web-page, and before the meeting was over, Kai had already implemented it on our Wiki page (wow!).

Kai then reported that he got the H6 2004TB MC running with CalibrationHits and that there will be a new version in 2 weeks (so he was told by Pavol). Currently, his jobs crash in the reconstruction. He said that Peter Loch is working on designing an AOD cluster class that will then allow event viewing. The Atlas MC is working for Kai, but does not contain Truth information.

Margret gave a status report on her trouble-shooting results regarding the invalid HEC identifiers she found in the 2002 TB MC. She also mentioned that Dave Axen has been to UVic to get started on running Athena.

Tamara gave a nice presentation of her results on reconstructed energies, response and resolution for different hadronic weighting schemes.

Michel reported on the completion of his work on the Standalone Geometry package into TBRootAna, which will allow us to produce colour plots for the 2002 TB data - provided one uses a root version of 4.0.2 or LOWER, since newer versions of root have substantial changes to various geometry classes which are incompatible with TBRootAna.

Warren presented an update on his work on the energy reconstruction. He now managed to see energy deposited in the Cold Tail Catcher by selecting events that have very small amounts of energy deposited in the first FCAL modules. He then divides up the events the have energy mainly deposited in the last FCAL module into one sample with `high' energy and one sample with `low' energy. He finds about twice as much energy deposited in the CTC for the events that have low energy compared to the high energy events.

AOB. Michel reminded us that Rob will be moving to Canada soon. This means that only Kai will be attending from Geneva, and it might be a good idea to re-schedule our meeting time to better suit Kai, who would actually prefer a slightly later time on any weekday other than Friday (so he can attend from home).