Minutes of the UVic Atlas Meeting held Friday, June 24, 2005
(present at UVic: ML, WS, PP, MF, RS, GC, TI, TH, RK; present at CERN: KV )

Meeting Agenda

Graham showed us first results of his H->ZZ->4e analysis. Rolf had generated for him a pure (i.e. no background) sample of 2000 events with a Higgs mass of 250 GeV. He finds that the reconstructed mass is very much at the place were it is supposed to be. Graham did a more detailed study to find an optimal mass cut that maximizes the signal and minimizes the error. He comes to the conclusion that a window of 8.5 GeV around the peak gives an optimal yield and minimizes the error.

Margret gave a little update on her progress with the shifted identifiers in HEC and EMEC. She would like to apply some fixes and then once they are done, Rolf and Tayfun are willing to be guinea-pigs for the LArG4 2002TB simulation.

Michel explained to us how he has been able to read the 2002TB ESDs produced by Rolf. With the help of the faithful TBRootAna package he was able to produce nice plots of the testbeam calorimeter cells.

Kai informed us about some of the shortcomings of the Simulation for the Rome production. Energies in the barrel are way lower than they should be. Kai showed some plots produced by Pavol Stavina to illustrate this.

Warren gave a summary over his energy-survey results and the differences he encountered when running under different versions of Athena.

Tayfun has worked his way through a couple of tutorials and told us about his experiences. He was really impressed by the tutorial that uses the ASK (Athena Startup Kit) on lxplus and made a summary of the tasks and output performed at each stage from simulation all the way through to reconstruction.

Please note:
Starting the first week of June, our meetings will take place in the reading room: Wednesdays 11:00 - 12:30 (20:00 - 21:30 Geneva).