Maintainers Notes


TBRootAna has now been updated to work with 2002 data. It now also uses the GNU autotools(autoconf and automake) for configuring and building the package.  These tools greatly simplify the maintenance of the package. For explanation of how these tools work please see the GNU Manuals  page.

Autoconf and Automake Basics

Instead of seeing the typical Makefile in the base directory when you check out the package you will see '' and ''. '' is a simple human readable file which defines how the files in that directory are built. '' on the other hand is a mess which automake produces from ''.  Basically the purpose of automake is to produce a robust Makefile that would be very tedious for a human to make. The configure script then process the '' to produce a machine and platform specific Makefile for your architecture. One question you might ask is 'why bother with all this?'; because this is the way virtually every linux software package is built. Another good answer is ROOT does it this way.

Maintainers Guide v0.2

Detail info on how to maintain the TBRootAna and StandAloneGeometry packages can be found in the TBRootAna Miantainers Guide v0.2