Useful Tools


Kile is a fully integrated environment for writting LaTeX documents. It provides tools for inserting all the math sysbols and keboard shortcuts for compiling the dvi and then viewing it. It's quite useful.

Kile Homepage:
Dowload the Redhat 7.3 RPM: kile-1.32-rh7.3.i386.rpm

Redhat 7.3 turns out to be the version most used in the Particle Physics Group.

Compilers and ROOT

The default compiler and version of ROOT on the fate machines is outdated. fate-3 has more recent version of these tools installed however, they are not default. To use gcc 3.2.3 and ROOT 3.05 on fate-3 execute these commands:

export ROOTSYS=/net/cern/root-3.05
export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:/usr/local/gcc-3.2.3/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/gcc-3.2.3/lib:$ROOTSYS/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

or alternative download a bash script called newroot-gcc and excute the following command:
source newroot-gcc

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

When I work on TBRootAna I like to use an IDE to write the code. It is generally faster for me then using emacs or vi. This, of course, a mater of my own particular skills and tates. The IDE I use is KDevelop. KDevelop comes with redhat 7.3 and therefore is available on all the fate machines.  If you would like to use KDevelop with TBRootAna please download the project file and place it in the TBRootAna directory. Then start KDevelop with the command 'kdevelop'. Next you will need to open the project file by going to the project menu (see below).

KDevelop Screen Shot

Ian Gable  May 27 ,  2003