The Grosser Aletschgletscher, in the Swiss canton of Wallis (Valais), is the longest glacier in the Alps. Its 22 kilometer length stretches from its source, near the Junfrau, to within five kilometers of the Rhône River. The region around the glacier has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. We visited this area first on 20 October 2002, but most of the pictures shown here are from a walk on 14 September 2003.

The Grosser Aletschgletscher [523 Kb]

Our walk started near the Bettmerhorn, which is reached by taking a cable lift from Betten, in the Rhône Valley, to the alpine village of Bettmeralp. A second lift is then taken from Bettmeralp to the upper lift station at the base of Bettmerhorn, elevation 2647 meters. The views from the upper lift station are dominated by the wide vista south across the upper Rhône Valley toward Matterhorn and the Valais Alps. A few steps beyond the trailhead, however, the massive Aletsch Glacier comes into view. The trail gradually descends through boulders and scree as it parallels the glacier northward for about four kilometers, with a never-ending supply of spectacular views along the way.

The Rhône Valley and Matterhorn [189 Kb]

Fiona gawking at the glacier [244 Kb]

Märjelensee [330 Kb]

The tiny alpine tarn Marjelensee marks the trail's closest approach to the glacier. A side trail can be taken for the final 100 meters to the glacier's edge. The trail turns to the southeast from Marjelensee, passing more tarns as it approaches the ridge separating the Aletsch Glacier from the Rhône Valley. Although a trail does run up and over the ridge, one can also cheat by crossing under the ridge through a one kilometer long tunnel, albeit at the expense of views. Running a bit late (and one of us a bit low on energy) we opted to cheat. Once on the Rhône Valley side of the ridge, the trail passes through a number of small alpine villages as it traverses high pastures, with views again toward Matterhorn and the Valais Alps. The end of the walk is at Bettmeralp, elevation 1924 meters, where we stopped for rösti and beer before catching the cable lift back down to the valley bottom and our car.

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