Mount Angeles and Klahhane Ridge [251 Kb]

The trail to Klahhane Ridge leads from the Visitor Center on Hurricane Ridge. This is a relatively short trail, one way distance 6.5 kilometers and 230 meter elevation change, however the numerous ups and downs make the trail more strenuous than might be expected, with about 900 meters of ascent over the course of the return trip. The trail traverses mostly open meadows with great great views in all directions, including Hurricane Hill nearby to the west. The up-close views of the craggy and colourful volcanic rocks of the Mount Angeles massif are impressive, as are the views north to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and south towards the centre of the Olympic range.

'Aggressive' mountain goat [197 Kb]

While on Klahhane Ridge I was approached by a large mountain goat, making definite moves in my direction. It continued to advance until I moved well out of its way. I learned later that there are signs posted at the Visitor Center warning of an "aggressive" mountain goat, and that hikers should "throw stones" at it should it approach. In my case, I would have settled for snowballs, since that's all I had at hand. I drove back down to Port Angeles after the hike and parked in the ferry lineup, with just enough time to have a supper of oysters and beer at the restaurant next door before sailing back to Victoria on the Coho. The date was August 2, 2010.

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