Athena Release Maintenance and Kit Install
There are several scripts and mechanisms available for the maintenance
of athena releases at UVic.
location:/hepuser/atlas/atlas-kit/ (cvsview)
It will download and install a release via pacman to the atlas-kit
directory. The purpose of the script is to install new atlas
distribution kits in a place usable by everyone.
location: /net/pacman/scripts/ (cvsview)
It is run nightly to mirror the cern pacman cache to UVic (done
via rsync). The purpose of the script is to make the install of new
kits faster by eliminating the download over the connection to cern.
location: /hepuser/atlas/atlas-kit/ (cvsview)
Can be run on any Scientific Linux machine to install an atlas
distribution kit onto a stand alone machine. It will download and
install pacman and proceed with the download and install of the
atlas-kit. The target audience of this script is someone wishing to
install the kit on their laptop over ethernet.
Ian Gable: December 20, 2004