There are two different cvs repository available at UVic. One located at /hepuser/cvs-atlas/atlasroot is a partial mirror of atlas LArg software from the core atlas cvs repository. The other located at /hepuser/cvs-atlas/cvsroot is a collection of software produced at UVic. All people with hepuser home directories have the ability to checkout and commit to both of these repositories.

The repositories can be viewed on the the web.

After correctly setting your CVSROOT environment variable to point to either of:

you can checkout code with:
cvs co somepackage

If you are working with athena software from /hepuser/cvs-atlas/atlasroot you can also use cmt. For example:

cmt co LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/LArG4TBEmecHec

For more information read the manual. A paper copy of the manual is available for loan from Ian Gable Room 219.

Ian Gable: December 12, 2004