Minutes of feedthrough meeting of February 28, 2000. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: AD, MGF, GV, PB, Pof, MLenc, TH, RL, JL, RKK *) Milestones: - 132 pigtails arrived on 23 Feb from Orsay; the customs charge was only $19.00. There were no cables for slots 1, 14, or 15 in this shipment so it is not a sufficient supply to build an entire feedthrough. Also, some of of pigtails have defective or missing jackscrews at the micro-D end. Orsay has been informed of these findings. - A unix account has been set up to help processing the Cirris test data (some of the analysis code is written in fortran or perl). - The two pincarriers that arrived a few weeks ago have now been cold cycled and will be leak checked this week. - The lower funnel tubes were delivered to UVIC today (1 March). - Mark visited Ebco on tuesday 22 Feb to inspect the completed ambient flanges. The only possible complaint Mark had was that the ID of the pincarrier slots were machined with slightly grooved surfaces in the corners which could possibly trap dirt. Otherwise the flanges looked good. - The heat leak tests were done to 0.5 bar. Terry would like to see the tests done to 1.5 bar. This will require a flow meter with a higher range; Paul B. will look into acquiring one. - The second BNC pulser has been ordered; the delivery time was quoted at 60 days. - FCI/Berg has received the serial number labels that Greg ordered. *) Cold station instrumentation problems: - The He leak checker has been showing intermittent problems, sometimes mismeasuring the calibrated leak by one or two orders of magnitude. It also has occasionally shown an error on startup. The Balzers technical rep, contacted by PB, suspects that there might be some loose connections in the microprocessor board. Paul B will try to debug the leak checker this week. We might be forced to purchase a second leak checker... - One Balzers full-range gauge has stopped working, bottoming out in the Pirani range without going into the Penning range. The Balzers technical rep suggests trying to clean the gauge head. *) News from Larg week: - Pierre Pailler was aware of the BNL steel problem, but appeared to be satisfied with Terry's explanation that, after extensive checking on our part, the steel problem appears to be isolated to the BNL shippment and not ours. - The PQR's of some of the weld samples brought to CERN last week did not seem to be consistent with the labels seen on the welds. Terry will check with Tom Goldback at SM about this. - TIS felt that the 6% - 10% ferrite content of the weld samples might be slightly on the high side, but is still ok. Cold Charpy tests are to be performed by Linde on friday (3 March). If these tests are passed, then TIS will be satisfied with the welds. - The long weld samples sent to CERN do not have exactly the same weld that will be used in production, as they lack the bevel at the butting edge. We might have to produce new weld samples. A decision will be negotiated after the cold Charpy tests are performed. There was a similar concern about the burst vessel, which was made with a smaller gap width and also used a single pass weld; all production welds will be two-pass welds. - Terry suggested installing the warm cables on the warm flanges before final testing at CERN to minimize the number of plugins to the warm flange pincarriers; this idea was well received at CERN. - 23 amplifier/shapers were provided to us by Nathalie Seguin for more xtalk test apparatus. *) The bill for the first steel shipment should be paid now. *) We need to acquire a ferrite meter. These range in cost from a few tens of dollars to several thousand dollars. *) Rejection labels have been ordered by Greg to be placed on rejected materials. *) Dave Rahm has (been?) retired from the BNL feedthrough effort. Dave informed Roy that the BNL contacts are now Ken Sexton or Dave Lissauer. *) Aboud has requested from Roy two `special' warm flanges equipped with one 8-row pincarrier each, as well as one `special' cold flange for testing, equipped with a 7-row pincarrier. Roy will obtain drawings from Aboud for these special flanges. We do not have enough production pincarriers to be in a position to part with any, so we will offer (sell) two 8-row PCT pincarriers (we have several) and one preproduction Glasseal 7-row pincarrier (we apparently don't have any 7-row PCT pincarriers to unload). *) Jobs for this week: - Roy is to contact Sicom to see if the first of the seal rings and cuff rings are ready to ship; BOA requires these to get started on the bellows. - Test and process the pigtails. - Check leak checker response with the standard leak installed on the far (cold vessel) side of the cold test station. - Write up the feedthrough meeting minutes... Agenda for next week: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Milestones - Status of Camac CrossTalk setup - Discuss first full week of goods reception - Any further news from TIS? - Report from Roy about Sicom progress on cuff and seal rings - Leak Checker status - AOB