Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 5 September, 2000. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: GV, Pof, MLenc, AD, TH, RL, MLef, RKK, MGF *) Milestones: - 300 Vacuum Cables arrived on 31 August. Testing is underway. - Thermal tests on FT0 were completed last week. Terry's and Paul's summary report is included here. With good vacuum (~10E-08mbar) in the bellows and all six resistors powered for a total of 15 watts, the coldest region in the pin carrier was at 19C and the hottest (on a resistor) was 29C. The plate centre temperature was 24C. As above but with two adjacent resistors not powered (the 15 watts was on the other four resistors). The coldest region was 20C (nearer the unpowered resistors), the hottest resistor was at 30C and the plate centre temperature was 26C. With atmospheric pressure in the bellows and all six resistors powered for a total of 77 watts, the coldest region was 31C, the hottest resistor 49C and the plate centre was at 36C. As above with four resistors providing the 77 watts, the coldest region (nearer the unpowered resistors) was at 27C, the hottest resistor was at 60C and the plate centre was at 46C. For the latter two test the heater power could have been lower, perhaps 60 watts, to reduce all the temperatures by about 10C. The lower heat loss in this last series of tests was probably due to the closer fitting and slightly thicker thermal insulation used in this first production feedthrough. *) No further welding will be performed until the TIS welding issue is resolved. Terry will send Desirelli a note this week as a reminder that we need to be informed of what `problems' remain with the weld samples. Terry will also inform Pierre Pailler of the situation. *) Southern Cross is expected to finish the heater plate / bellows braces order within the next 2 - 3 weeks. *) It has been (tentatively) decided to use 75 Ohm resistors for the heater plates, rather than the 50 Ohm resistors originally planned. Mark has designed a circuit board to hold the fuses which is to be attached directly to the heater plate. *) Terry, Roy, Mark, and Margret will be at the September LARG week. Terry and Mark will discuss the heater design and test results, and should also make clear that the heaters must be installed *after* the feedthroughs are installed. Clarification will also be sought by Terry on how the heaters will be controlled in the event of a failure, given that the present design stipulates that each power supply will be supplying the power for one half each of two adjacent feedthroughs. Margret will present a feedthrough construction status report. Margret will also press Allain Gonidec for specific information (make/model) on the leak checker that will be made available for our use at CERN so that we can design and build the interconnecting plumbing. She will also ask Allain if a Tektronix 2440 digital scope, with a GPIB interface, might be available for our use for electrical tests. *) Regarding Horst Oberlac's request that UVIC order the HEC LV warm cables, Richard will request information from David Lissauer on the EndCap warm cable design. Specifically, we need information on the cable length and the connector types. Among other considerations, are the connectors compatible with with wire gauges that will be required for the LV cables? *) After some discussion, it was decided to have the dye penetrant tests done on the feedthroughs *after* the cold tests, as originally planned. The weld areas of the feedthroughs probably remain too warm for too long after the weld is performed to have the tests done on the same day. It is also (hopefully) unlikely that the dye penetrant tests will result in failure, so the risk of having to redo a cold test after a reweld is low. The dye penetrant test on FT0 should be done ASAP, once it's removed from the cold station. *) The September LARG week is the last that Terry will attend, so Paul Birney should consider attending the December LARG week. Agenda for next week: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Milestones - Documentation status - Vacuum Cable testing status and plans - AOB