Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 18 September, 2000. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: GV, Pof, AD, MLef, PB *) Milestones: - 11 Funnel Assemblies arrived from SM. - 6 T-glands arrvied from CERN. - The QA/QC document (version 3.0 000913) has been finished. - 150 of the 300 Vacuum Cables from the 31 August batch have been fully tested; the remaining 150 will be tested this week. *) Greg and Aaron will take a number of bellows and funnels to TRIUMF on tuesday, wednesday, and thursday for ultrasonic cleaning. PB and Pof will work on Vacuum Cable testing... Agenda for next week: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Milestones - Report from LARG week (TIS, baseplane issue, heaters, aob) - Vacuum Cable testing status - Plans for FT1 - AOB