Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 25 September, 2000. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: GV, Pof, AD, MLef, PB, RKK, MLenc *) Milestones: - The batch of 300 Vacuum Cables that arrived on 31 Aug have been fully tested, and 288 were paid for. Twelve of the 300 failed the tests and have been returned to FCI: 6 cables had opens or high resistance (> 2 Ohms) 1 cable had a short 1 cable had a defective spring clip 4 cables had defective connector cases (case width over tolerance) A few of the cables have defective or missing jackscrews and cannot be tested until replacement jackscrews are supplied. One cable from the 14 Aug batch was also returned. That cable had one open and also an over tolerance case width. - With 600 of the 1750 Vacuum cables in stock, 32 calibration pairs have been identified, with a resistance band requirement of 0.040 Ohms. This is tighter than is actually required. For the entire project, we would require 53 pairs for 55 feedthroughs. - 36 Bellows and 11 Funnels were cleaned with with ultrasonic bath at TRIUMF. We now have a total of 54 Bellows and 15 Funnels that have been cleaned, plus a large supply of warm and cold flanges. One more three-day trip to TRIUMF may be all that is required to finish all the cleaning for the entire project. - All 60 heater plates and 240 bellows support bars have arrived from Southern Cross. - TIS has given us a green light to proceed with the welds on our production feedthroughs. If we drop one on the floor, we'll surrender it over to TIS. Otherwise we will provide them with one more weld sample; details from Terry when he returns from Spain. - It was decided during the LARG week at CERN that the `HEC baseplane problem' will be solved at the harness A end. This means that the endcap feedthroughs will be completely unaffected (aside perhaps from an additional tax...) so we will continue with building only four types of feedthroughs with the existing HEC pigtails. *) Margret communicated to Allain Gonidec our request for use of a Tektronix 2440 digital scope with GPIB board at CERN, detailed information on the leak checker that will be provided for us, and the use of a bag sealer at CERN. *) Mark summarizes his conversations regarding the Ambient Flange Heater during LARG week as follows: I have met with Fritz Szoncso and Marc Tavlet to discuss some heater issues. Fritz is mainly electrical safety, and Marc concerned with material safety. The prototype heater was shown to both gents, the basic parameters given (temp, amperage etc.) and comments and suggestions were given. Meeting with Fritz: Fritz was not at all worried about the heater design providing we keep within a rule of thumb parameter with regards to insulation temperature being kept below 70 C. This number however could be "pushed" if required, but it would be smart to adhere to this number anyway. Meeting with Marc: Marc was shown a plot that showed radioactive exposure in the regions where the heaters would be located... He was not too concerned provided we use wire that is non-halogenated, and that we don't use insulation materials that are on the no no list (PVC, teflon ...). HEC meeting: There was no comments with regards to the heater design or control of the heater during the meeting. There was a chap from cryostat electronics that took some interest. I will correspond with this person in the future to feel out some criteria for the heater control. *) Paul Birney is to take over Terry's role as the liaison with TIS regarding welding issues. *) PB will ask Allain Gonidec for his recomendation on whether or not we should be re leak testing the VCR T-pieces here at UVIC, since further testing seems only to increase the chance of introducing leaks on the VCR seal face. *) Michel received a call from Tom Muller regarding the pincarriers. Negotiations are ongoing for the pincarrier delivery schedule and the payment to be made to HCC/Glasseal for the failed units. It has (finally) been decided to abandon the use of low inclusion steel for the pincarriers and to use standard 304L steel instead, which will be provided by HCC/Glasseal. Note that the pincarrier numbers provided to Margret for the Sept 00 LARG week talk were wrong. We are expecting a total fo 275 (not 225) of each type of pincarrier. Someone (initials PP) can't divide 550 by 2! *) The question of whether or not UVIC provides the RF seal and rubber O-rings to make the seal to the cryostat is still under negotiation, however Michel has made it clear that UVIC should NOT be responsible for providing these items. Agenda for next week: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Milestones - Report on Bellows and Funnel tests - Status of FT1 - FT building schedule - Heater update - Shipping crates - AOB