Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 17 October, 2000. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: GV, AD, PB, Pof, TH, RL, MLenc, MGF, MLef *) Milestones: - All (60) funnels are now in stock. A trip to the TRIUMF ultrasonic bath will be planned for next week. - 189 pigtails arrived on 11 October from Orsay; all of the T47's and T48's have been tested, the T51's and T52's will be tested this week. - Two defective (leaky) bellows, six cuff rings, and three seal rings were shipped to BOA. We should expect back six new bellows plus the two repaired bellows. - Cold tests for FT01 have been completed, all vacuum and pressure tests passed. One shorted (to ground) channel was found, presumably due to a bent pin. On reinspection, two ground shorts channels were also found on FT00. The `hole' in our QA/QC tests that allowed these failures is understood and easily rectified for future feedthroughs. All pins will be scanned with a multimeter for ground shorts as the cables are attached. *) No new news on the pincarriers. *) FT02 was cabled (not welded yet), but several ground shorts were found. Three were due to bent pins, and one was due to a very small flake of metal at the base of one of the pins. The flake was removed with the aid of a small nudge with a thin wire, and a vacuum. In the future, all pincarriers should be checked with a multimeter for similar ground shorts. *) Mark proposes to use flexible wire for the wires attached directly to the flange heater plates, as well as the wires leading from the fuse block to the pedestal. Samples of this wire will be obtained from CERN, along with `CERN certified' heat shrink tubing. Agenda for next week: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Milestones - Vacuum Cable issues - Plans for the week - AOB