Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 12 March, 2001. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: PB, Pof, GV, AD, FH, MLenc, MGF, ML, RKK *) Milestones - Two 8-row and four 7-row pincarriers arrived today; we're back in business - at least for now... - 49 of the 60 ordered `seal ring -to- cryostat chimney' O-rings arrived today. *) Pof, PB, and Mark will travel to BNL for a site visit on Tueday 13 March, returning on Friday 16 March. *) We had a discussion regarding the order of CERN `after welding' electrical tests and the installation of warm cables to the ambient flange. It has been decided that we do the electrical tests (cross talk and resistance) *before* installation of the warm cables. The issue of detecting possible bent pins during installation of the warm cables will be addressed at a later time. *) Once Pof, PB, and Mark have visited BNL and learned of their experiences (detected failure rates, cable damage, etc) with their 1000V HiPot tests, Richard has proposed that we invite Chris Oram (as an objective observer...) to help in the decision we will take as to what if any HiPot tests are to be done at UVIC. Agenda for next week: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Milestones - Report on pincarrer tests - Report on BNL visit - AOB