Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 22 May, 2001. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: PB, Pof, GV, AD, FH, ML, ASD *) Milestones - The first 12 pincarriers that arrived on 15 May have been cold cycled three times, and will be leak checked today. Welding into flanges (two cold and one warm) is scheduled for tomorrow. Pof will notify Tom Muller once it is verified that the first 12 pincarriers have passed the leak checks. The cold cycles for the second 12 pincarriers from 15 May will commence today. - ft05 was cold tested last week (all ok) and the final electrical tests started; final electrical tests should be finished by tomorrow. - 100 pigtails (36 T47 and 64 T48) arrived from Orsay on 17 May. Testing of these cables will be a low priority while ft's 6-8 are being built. *) PB obtained a quote from SM for the hourly welding rate and also travel time ($60/hr for welding and dye penetrant tests, $60/trip for travel). George Stenning is in the process of setting up a standing order which incorporates these numbers. *) A VI has been written to measure the duty factor of the ambient flange heater. The duty factor can also be measured using the Tek 2465 scope in `counter' mode, and will provide a good cross check for the VI. *) Pof has emailed Bonnie Wheeler of FCI regarding the 236 vacuum cables still to be delivered (of which 100 have already been paid for). Bob Hackenburg has informed us that BNL has all their vacuum cables now, but are still receiving warm cables (also from FCI). Agenda for next week: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Milestones - Status of feedthrough production - 16 Pincarriers for ft09 and ft10 - Plans for site visit by Chris - Feedthrough impact shields - AOB