Minutes Of Feedthrough Meeting of 22 October, 2001 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (Chaired By: GV) Present: ML, RK, ASD, PB, GV, AD, FH MILESTONES * 16 October, Feedthroughs 4,5,6,7 and Feedthroughs 8,10,12,14 were shipped out to CERN * All pigtails that arrived 12 October excluding the T49 and T51 completed initial inspections. The T49 and T51 pigtails were not Cirris tested because we need the PC that was shipped to CERN for electrical tests at CERN. Further discussion is needed with Paul Poffenberger to determine if we can use a spare pin carrier and a T49 and a 51 pigtail for these tests or if we should use the original. An email regarding this issue has been sent to Paul today. * Feedthrough 16 has passed all mechanical and electrical tests and is ready to be crated. * 18 October, the 2 CRPP cables were shipped to the University of Arizona * 18 October, The material for the Feedthrough protector plates arrived. * FT15 (HEC) was crated. * All 4 HEC Feedthroughs are now ready to be shipped to CERN. Simon at King Brothers says it doesn^Òt make any difference how we send the HEC Feedthroughs (1, 2 or 4 Feedthroughs crate). We will get Dave Smith to make us a shipping crate this week that is similar to the previous way we have been shipping the Feedthroughs ^Ö 4 in one crate. * The first batch of 12 pin carriers that arrived on the 12 October has finished their last cold cycle and will be ready for welding Tuesday afternoon. * Michel sent an email to Laurent Serin and Paul Poffenberger regarding the cable ties on the FCAL Pigtails. Paul and everyone else agree that it is too risky to remove the cable ties from the pigtails. One solution may be to simply use the same tape that is used in bundling the HEC pigtails and tape over the cable ties. This wouldn^Òt prevent the snagging but would eliminate the sharp edges. This will be discussed further with Paul Poffenberger. * Rooms 016, 021 and 022 were thoroughly cleaned and organized * Paul Birney is back from CERN with reports that all is well with our Feedthrough inspection setup at CERN. The leak test station has been setup and is working fine. PLANS FOR THE WEEK * Finish the Feedthrough protector plates * Crate the 4 HEC Feedthroughs * Have welder come in to weld pin carriers into flanges * Cold cycle the second batch of pin carriers that arrived 12 October * Start cabling the vacuum cables into FT17 (special) AGENDA FOR NEXT WEEK - Milestones - Plans for the week - AOB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greg Vowles Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Victoria 3800 Finerty Rd. Victoria, BC CANADA Phone: 250-721-7722 Fax: 250-721-7752 gvowles@uvic.ca ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~