Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 19 November, 2001. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: Pof, GV, FH, PB, ML *) Milestones - ft20 was welded along with one warm and two cold flanges on 14 November. - 24 pincarriers arrvied on 16 November. - 26 pigtails arrived from Axon on 15 November. - ft18 and ft20 were cold tested last week. No problems with ft18, but ft20 showed a leak at the cold flange (presumably a pincarrier) under cold conditions at 1.5 10^-9 mbar-l/s. ft20 was retested, and this time showed a leak at the 5 10^-10 mbar-l/s. No leak is observed under warm conditions. We will press ahead immediatly on the construction of ft21. Four ft's should be ready to be shipped to CERN by next week. This will be the last shipment of the year. - final electrical tests were done on ft17, ft18, and ft19. - Week of 12 November report from CERN: 12 Nov: leak checked ft04 and ft07 bellows; leak checked ft08 and ft12 funnels; started repeat of cross talk tests for ft10 since previous measurment was corrupted from a damaged pigtail test lead. 13 Nov: finished repeat of cross talk tests for ft10; cross talk tests for ft08; evacuated ft10 and ft14 bellows; checked shipping crates from recently arrived HEC and FCAL feedthroughs - no problems found. 14 Nov: leak checked ft10 and ft14 bellows; cross talk tests for ft12; evacuated ft08 and ft12 bellows. 15 Nov: leak checked ft08 and ft12 bellows. *) Greg will depart for Geneva on Friday 23 November, and Aaron will be returning to Victoria on Saturday 24 November. *) All "FinalTest" cross talk and resistance data (the data collected on the finished feedthrough at UVIC), and "ReceptionTest" crosstalk data (the data colleced at CERN) are now available to view on the web by following the links from the UVIC ATLAS web page: Endcap Signal Feedthroughs -> production status -> ftxx (for any of the feedthroughs) -> View Raw Data *) To prevent further damage to the pigtail cables during testing, the pigtail cables will from now on be wrapped with plastic, held in place with velcro. The pigtails will also be protected by a poly tube during shipping, similar to that used by BNL during installation. Pof will reiterate at the C&C meeting at the December Larg week the fragility of the pigtails and the impossibility of their replacement in a built feedthrough. *) Pof will put together a proposal to Pierre of documentation to be turned over to Pierre or made public at the time of feedthrough ownership transfer to CERN. Agenda for next week ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Milestones - transfer to CERN of feedthrough ownership; proposal to Pierre for ft documentation - plans for the December LARG week - feedthrough web pages - plans for the week - AOB