Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 29 April, 2002. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: Pof, FH, PB, AD, WW, RKK, ML *) Milestones: - The last cold cycle / leak checks of the pincarriers have been completed. We have approximately nine spares of each type which have been tested, plus others still on the shelf which will not be tested unless required. - ft37 passed it's cold tests. - ft38 final electrical tests were completed. - ft39 showed a 7.5 10^-9 mbar-l/s leak at ambient temperature in one of the pincarriers at the cold flange. This leak presumably opened up during the weld of the cold flange to funnel or cuff ring. ft39 will be reopened to salvage the vacuum and pigtail cables, warm flange, and bellows. The cold flange and funnel will no longer be useable for feedthroughs. Care must be taken in grinding open the funnel to prevent any metal gindings to contaminate the pigtail cables. - ft40 has been cabled and is ready to weld. - ft41 cabling has started. *) The wires of the RTD's that we have purchased to monitor the temperature on the ambient flange heaters are not compatible with the RJ11 connectors they are to be connected with; the crimping of the RJ11's onto the RTD wires simply break off the wires. Neil (UVIC electronics shop) has found that a 24 AWG solid (not stranded) wire appears to give the most reliable contact. Neil and pof are presently looking for a supplier of 24 AWG solid wire with either Kapton or PEEK insulation. The Kapton or PEEK insulation is desired not only for the radiation hardness but also for their smaller thicknesses; 24 AWG wire with "standard" insulation will not fit into the RJ11. *) Aboud has requested that UVIC supply one person for assisting him in "feedthrough installation preparatory work" starting 24 June. We will supply that person for a period of two weeks, but it must be understood by Aboud that this request cannot be open ended, due to our limited travel funds. For assisting Aboud once feedthrough installation actually starts, we will be sending Fiona to CERN for a period of six to eight weeks. Wendy and pof will also be at CERN for the first two of those weeks. Agenda for next week ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Milestones - progress on ambient flange heaters - progress on ft39 - Plans for the week - AOB