Minutes of Feedthrough Meeting of 27 May 02 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: ML, ASD, FH, WW, PB, RK Milestones: -Finished cabling FT 43 -Welded FT 41 / FT 43 and CF054, WF054 -Completed Final crosstalk on FT 42 -Cold test of FT 41, it passed all tests -Installed Pigtails and vacuum cables for FT 44 The bill for the pigtails has arrived and will be paid by Michel. The travel arrangements have been finalized PB will leave for CERN 21 June and return on the 5 July Pof, WW, FH will leave for CERN on 2 July -Pof will return on the 16 July -WW will return on the 21 July -FH will return on the 30 Aug. Tayfun will help Aaron with any jobs requiring two people from 2 July to the 19 July. For the heater plates, the order for the solid 24 GA kapton insulated wire has been placed with Arcor Electronics and delivery is expected in the middle of June. The testing station for the heater plates has been completed. Agenda for next week ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -Milestones -Plans for the week -AOB