Minutes of Feedthrough Meeting of 24 June 02 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: Pof, FH, WW, AD, RKK Milestones: - ft48, ft49, and ft50 welded. - final electrical tests complted for ft47. - ft48 and ft49 cold tested without problems. - Eight feedthroughs (ft29-35, ft38) were shipped to CERN on 21 June. - 28 ambient flange heaters have been complted; all but two have been tested. Wendy has nearly completed the heater tables for the feedthrough data base, but needs to cooridinate with Jan a few remaining details. The Y-jumpers to connect the heater power wires of pairs of feedthroughs to the filter box are being made by Neil, but cannot be completed until we resolve an ambiguity regarding which wire is "hot" and which wire is ground. *) A test of a prototype "heater shunt" to provide extra heating power to the HEC LV warm cables was done during the cold test of the HEC feedthrough ft48. The test was far from perfect. Ideally one would want to monitor the temperature of a pincarrier pin with a LV cable attached. Since this is not (easily) possible, we can only moniter the temperature at those parts of the pincarrier body still accessible when a cable is attached. We attached a copper shunt, thermally connected the heater plate, to a LV cable on slot 14A. Another copper "floating" shunt, not thermally connected the heater plate, was connected to a LV cable in slot 14B. The flange heater was kept at a temperature several degrees above ambient. As expected, the temperature of the "floating" shunt was several degrees cooler than the shunt in thermal contact with the heater plate. Several temperature measurements were also made at the bases of the warm flange pincarrier slots. Those slots furthest away from slots 14 and 15 (the slots with the LV vacuum cables) were warmer by several degrees than the slots immediately adjacent to slots 14 or 15. This suggests that the temperature of the pincarrier body adjacent to the LV slots is effected by the cooler temperature of the pins, and therefore is a reasonable measure of the effects of the heater shunt. On the other hand, there was no measurable temperature difference between side A (with the thermally connected heater shunt) and side B (with the "floating" heater shunt) suggesting that the extra heating power provided to the pins by the shunt is negligible. The general consensus is to not use the heater shunts, but rather operate the HEC ambient flange heaters at an elevated temperature to accommodate the greater thermal conductivity of the LV warm cables. *) All exisiting parts for the final four feedthroughs (ie, everything except the pigtails for the last three feedthroughs) will be organized this week, both physically and virtually (ie, entered into the database) so that there will be no ambiguities regarding which parts belong with which feedthroughs while Fiona is away at CERN. *) Michel sent this information from Daniel Fournier regarding the pigtails with the "new" micro-D connectors: I had a brief chat with Daniel Fournier regarding the pigtails. The connectors will be tested "in September", but the pigtail delivery will procedd as if nothing had happened. So I suspect that sometimes in September we would be given the OK (or else!). *) Patrick Fassnacht reports in the B180 minutes of 17 and 24 June that the first welding of one or two feedthroughs onto ECC is scheduled for Friday 5 July. He also reports that from now until mid-August there will be two technicians from LAL to assist Aboud with feedthrough installation, in addition to the (wo)manpower provided by UVIC and support from Alain and Victor. *) We foresee the final feedthrough shipments to CERN to be as follows: two Standard/Special 4-packs: 21 June (already shipped) two Standard/Special 4-packs plus one HEC 4-pack: August, or when available storage space at CERN permits. one Standard/Special 4-pack plus one FCAL: At end of construction; the Standard/Special 4-pack should consist of three Standards plus one (spare) Special. *) Fiona, Wendy, and pof will be leaving for CERN next Tuesday 2 July. Fiona and Wendy are making plans for the chocolate train... Agenda for next week (Tuesday 2 July) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -Milestones -Plans for the week -AOB