Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 4 November, 2002. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: Pof, PB, FH, ML *) Milestones: - Congratulatory notes have been received by Michel on the completion of the endcap signal feedthrough construction from a number of fellow ATLAS-ites, including Chris Oram, Georges Azuelos, Laurent Serin, Balazs Szeless, Peter Jenni, Rob McPherson, Manuella Vincter, and Daniel Fournier. *) Shipping crates should be made for the FCAL and the four remaining Standard / Special feedthroughs. The FCAL crate can be made ready for shipping, but one Standard feedthrough should be left out for show-and-tell over the next month or two. All five feedthroughs are expected to be shipped in January or February of next year while Fiona and pof are at CERN for installation. *) Neil is working on a number of devices to assist in warm cable installation and post-installation crosstalk tests. These devices are: 1) a bent-pin indicator, to give early warning of bent pins while installing a warm cable. 2) a cross-channel-short indicator, to check for cross- channel shorts in the warm cable after installation, since the warm cables have the same connector as the vacuum cables which were prone to cross-channel shorts after installation. 3) a pigtail ATI / baseplane interface for use during the post-installation cross talk tests; BNL was using a warm cable for their TDR test interface, which caused problems since the warm cables are not designed to stand up to many plugins. *) Another small package of pigtails has arrived, but has not yet been opened. *) Fiona and pof have compiled a shopping list of items to have at CERN during feedthrough installation and testing; Fiona will indulge in her favourite pastime procuring the items on the list. *) Fiona and pof will work on finalizing the inventory of spare feedthrough parts, and organizing the spare parts with regards to which parts are good, which are suspect or not tested, and which are bad and not usable. The parts list will eventually be made public, with some parts (yet to be determined) to be made available for sale to other groups. Doug Bryman's group at TRIUMF has already expressed interest in our pincarriers and vacuum cables, and have been provided three vacuum cables (one FCI prototype, one failed FCI, and one CRPP) on loan for evaluation. *) Fiona and pof will likely be at CERN during January and February to assist in feedthrough installation, warm cable installation, and post-installation cross talk tests. The ECC schedule still shows December 2 as the start date for feedthrough installation, so Michel will write to Pierre and Aboud to request a joint statement clarifying whether that date is still realistic. If it is (unlikely...), then travel plans must be made by the end of this week in order to be at CERN early December to assist in the installation. *) Michel will present a few slides at the upcoming LARG week highlighting the completion of the endcap signal feedthrough construction, as well as the status of feedthrough deliveries and testing at CERN and our plans to assist in feedthrough installation and post-installation testing. *) Patrick Fassnachtf has written to Michel and pof that the cold flanges of some of the barrel feedthroughs are to be vacuumed, after discovery of some "dust" on a cold flange on inspection with an endoscope. Michel responded that the endcap feedthroughs have been "produced in a 'clean' environment", and that "there is some worry that attempting to clean the inside of the cold funnel might damage pigtails". Pof sugested that if the cold flanges must be vacuumed, then some attempt should be made to trap the debris being vacuumed so that it can be examined and a decision made whether or not further vacuuming is warranted. *) Feedthrough meetings will continue for now on a weekly basis, but we will soon change to an 'as needed' basis. Agenda for next week ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - AOB